ballerinax/slack Ballerina library



This module allows you to access the Slack Web API through Ballerina. This module provides the capability to query information and perform some actions in a Slack workspace.


Before using this connector in your Ballerina application, complete the following:

  • Create a Slack account.
    1. Visit and create a Slack account.
  • Obtain Slack User OAuth Token.
    1. Visit and create a Slack App.
    2. In the Add features and functionality section, Click Permissions.
    3. Go to the Scopes section and add necessary OAuth scopes in User Token Scopes section. ("channels:history", "channels:read", "channels:write", "chat:write", "emoji:read", files:read", "files:write", "groups:read", "reactions:read", "users:read", "")
    4. Go back to Basic Information section of your Slack App. Then go to Install your app section and install the app to the workspace by clicking Install to Workspace button.
    5. Get your User OAuth token from the OAuth & Permissions section of your Slack App.


To use the Slack connector in your Ballerina application, update the .bal file as follows:

Step 1: Import connector

Import the ballerinax/slack module as shown below.

import ballerinax/slack;

Step 2: Create a new connector instance

Create a slack:ConnectionConfig using your Slack User Oauth Token and initialize the connector with it.

slack:ConnectionConfig slackConfig = {
    auth: {
        token: "SLACK_USER_OAUTH_TOKEN"

slack:Client slackClient = check new(slackConfig);

Step 3: Invoke connector operation

  1. Now you can use the operations available within the connector. Note that they are in the form of remote operations.

Following is an example on how to post a message using the connector.

public function main() returns error? {
    slack:Message messageParams = {
        channelName: "channelName",
        text: "Hello"

    string threadTs = slackClient->postMessage(messageParams);
  1. Use bal run command to compile and run the Ballerina program.

You can find a list of samples here


import ballerinax/slack;Copy


Released date: almost 3 years ago

Version: 2.1.1

License: Apache-2.0


Platform: java11

Ballerina version: slbeta6

Pull count

Total: 295

Current verison: 35

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Communication/Team Chat



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