ballerinax/redis Ballerina library



Redis is an open-source, in-memory data structure store that can be used as a database, cache, and message broker. It supports various data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, and more.

The ballerinax/redis package offers APIs to connect to Redis servers and to manipulate key-value data, providing functionality to utilize Redis both as a database and cache. The current connector is compatible Redis server versions up to 7.2.x.

Setup guide

To use the Redis connector, you need to have a Redis server running and accessible. For that, you can either install Redis locally or use a cloud-based Redis service.

Setting up a Redis server locally

Step 1: Install Redis server

  1. Download and install Redis from the official website.

  2. Follow the installation instructions based on your operating system.

Step 2: Start Redis server

To start the Redis server, open a terminal and execute the following command.


Step 3: Verify Redis connectivity

After starting the Redis server, you can verify the connectivity using the Redis CLI. Open a new terminal and execute the following command.

redis-cli ping

If the server is running, you will receive a response of "PONG".

Setting up a cloud-based Redis service

Several cloud providers offer managed Redis services. Some of the popular ones are:

  1. Redis Labs: Redis Labs offers Redis Enterprise Cloud, a fully-managed Redis service in the cloud.
  2. Amazon ElastiCache: Amazon Web Services provides ElastiCache, a managed Redis service for deploying, operating, and scaling Redis in the AWS Cloud.
  3. Google Cloud Memorystore: Google Cloud offers Memorystore for Redis, a fully-managed Redis service on Google Cloud Platform.
  4. Microsoft Azure Cache for Redis: Azure Cache for Redis is a fully-managed Redis service provided by Microsoft Azure.

Choose the hosting solution that best fits your requirements and proceed with its setup instructions.


To use the redis connector in your Ballerina application, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Import the module

Import the redis module.

import ballerinax/redis;

Step 2: Instantiate a new connector

Create a redis:ConnectionConfig instance by giving the Redis server configuration and initialize the Ballerina Redis client using it.

redis:Client redis = new (
    connection = {
        host: "localhost",
        port: 6379

Step 3: Invoke the connector operation

Now, you can use the available connector operations to interact with Redis.

Set a key-value pair

check redis->set("key", "value");

Get value by key

string value = check redis->get("key");

Step 4: Run the Ballerina application

Save the changes and run the Ballerina application using the following command.

bal run


The Redis connector provides practical examples illustrating usage in various scenarios. Explore these examples covering common Redis operations.

  1. Cache management - Implement caching using Redis to improve application performance.

  2. Session management - Use Redis to manage user sessions efficiently.

  3. Rate limiting - Implement rate limiting for API endpoints using Redis.


import ballerinax/redis;Copy


Released date: 6 months ago

Version: 3.0.2

License: Apache-2.0


Platform: java17

Ballerina version: 2201.8.0

GraalVM compatible: Yes

Pull count

Total: 339

Current verison: 195

Weekly downloads

Source repository


IT Operations/Databases



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