ballerinax/ Ballerina library



This module generates a notification when the following events occur in the drive.

  • Creation of a new file
  • The creation of a new file in a specific folder
  • Creation of a new folder
  • Creation of a new folder in a specific folder
  • File update
  • File deletion
  • File deletion in a specific folder
  • Folder deletion
  • Folder deletion in a specific folder

This module supports Google Drive API v3.

Before using this connector in your Ballerina application, complete the following:


If you fail to verify or set up, see documentation for domain verification process.


To use the Google Calendar connector in your Ballerina application, update the .bal file as follows:

Step 1: Import listener

Import the Google Drive Listener module to your Ballerina program as follows.

import ballerinax/;
import ballerinax/'listener as listen;

Step 2: Create a new listener instance

Initialize the Google Drive configuration as follows.

drive:ConnectionConfig clientConfig = {
    auth: {
        clientId: clientId,
        clientSecret: clientSecret,
        refreshUrl: refreshUrl,
        refreshToken: refreshToken

listen:ListenerConfiguration listenerConfig = {
    port: 9090,
    callbackURL: callbackURL,
    domainVerificationFileContent : domainVerificationFileContent,
    clientConfiguration: clientConfig

listener listen:DriveEventListener gDrivelistener = new (configuration);

Step 3: Define Ballerina service with the listener

Start the listener as a service.

service / on gDrivelistener {
    isolated remote function onFileCreate(Change changeInfo) returns error? {
        log:printInfo("Trigger > onFileCreate > changeInfo : ", changeInfo);     

You can find a list of samples here

NOTE: If an error occurs at function implementation, the HTTP client returns the Status 500 error. If no error occurs and the user logic is successfully executed, there HTTP client returns status 200 OK.

If the user logic in listener remote operations includes heavy processing, you may face HTTP timeout issues. To overcome this, you should use asynchronous processing when the operation includes heavy processing.

listener listen:Listener gDrivelistener = new (configuration);

service / on gDrivelistener {
    remote function onFileCreate(listen:Change event) returns error? {
        _ = @strand { thread: "any" } start userLogic(event);

function userLogic(listen:Change event) returns error? {
    // Write your logic here


import ballerinax/;Copy


Released date: almost 3 years ago

Version: 2.1.1

License: Apache-2.0


Platform: java11

Ballerina version: slbeta6

Pull count

Total: 664

Current verison: 45

Weekly downloads

Source repository


Content & Files/File Management & Storage




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